Which Pillow Is Right For You?
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Or read below on all 7 types of Your Bed Pillow pillows!

*If you are a side or back sleeper, try our Medium Pillow.

Do you toss and turn during the night, sleeping on your back, side and stomach? The Medium Density Pillow is perfect for those individuals who sleep in all three positions*. This pillow is naturally luxurious, providing the right amount of support and softness while allowing the flexibility to tuck, fold and cuddle to your liking. Many of our customers with neck issues prefer this pillow since it allows the flexibility to adjust the pillow to your sleeping position. This Your Bed Pillow is ideal for the average size or petite frame adult.
*If you toss and turn but do not sleep on your stomach, we recommend selecting the Firm Density Pillow.

This Extra Firm Pillow gives a generous amount of thickness and support for those sleepers desiring more elevation for the neck and head. The Extra Firm Density Your Bed Pillow is suited for taller individuals and those with broader frames. This is an excellent pillow choice if you are a back or side sleepers.

Our robust 2X Firm Density Pillow has a lavish amount of density with a luxurious, solid feel. For those side sleepers wanting higher, elevation sleep support, select the Your Bed Pillow 2X Firm Density pillow. Individuals having broader shoulders and frame benefit from this high-end, hotel quality pillow.

This specialty pillow is best for side sleepers or those who desire maximum elevation and support. The Your Bed Pillow 3X FIRM Density pillow is 3 times more volume than any regular sleeping pillow! This pillow is ideal for larger and broader framed individuals. The 3X Firm Pillow is our most exquisite and voluminous pillow made today!